阅读:50 发布日期:2024-12-17 09:41:15
1. Lack
误:They lack of experience in learning.
正:They lack experience in learning.
解析:混淆了lack的两种词性。lack既有名词,也有动词的用法。作为动词,lack something或者lack for something。作为名词,lack of。
2. Research
误:According to a research by…
正:According to a research study by或者According to research by
3. on the other hand
误:Doing exercise benefits children’s health. On the other hand, it provides opportunities to socialize.
正:on the other hand 表示对比,而非并列。
4. compare
误:Comparing with small classes, large classes…
正:Compared with small classes, large classes…
解析:somebody compares A with B 这个短语中有三个名词,主动的是第三方而不是被比较对象。
5. likely
误:I am not likely feeling dozy at night
正:I might not feel dozy at night /I am likely to feel dozy at night
解析:be likely to do
6. facilitate
误:such opportunities facilitate me to relax
正:such opportunities help me to relax
解析:facilitate之后跟名词,比如growth, discussion。不要将它与help混淆哦。二者虽然是近义词,但是用法是不一样的。
7. As
误:as the development of economy, people…
解析:as 有很多用法,在例句中,是“随着,”那么就需要引导句子而非名词。
8. worth
误:this assignment does not worth my hard work
正:this assignment is not worth my hard work