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接触过托福的同学应该都知道,在托福阅读或听力讲座中,涉及的学科范围很广,主要分为生命科学、人文科学、自然科学、社会科学四个大类,这四个大类下面分别还有一些小的类别。这让不少同学对这种专业性较强的文章一直是“闻风丧胆”,以至于发出这样的感慨“这些专业性较强的文章,中文我都不一定会,还要用英文去理解,真是难为我胖虎了”。 为了帮助各位考生突破学术背景词汇带来的理解困难,下面给大家总结了生命科学类中植物学的学科词汇及读音、含义。
接触过托福的同学应该都知道,在托福阅读或听力讲座中,涉及的学科范围很广,主要分为生命科学、人文科学、自然科学、社会科学四个大类,这四个大类下面分别还有一些小的类别。这让不少同学对这种专业性较强的文章一直是“闻风丧胆”,以至于发出这样的感慨“这些专业性较强的文章,中文我都不一定会,还要用英文去理解,真是难为我胖虎了”。 为了帮助各位考生突破学术背景词汇带来的理解困难,下面给大家总结了生命科学类中植物学的学科词汇及读音、含义。
Flora /ˈflɔ:rə/ n 植物,植物界
示例考题29 Listening Lecture 1
There's a link between biodiversity and pedodiversity, an obvious relationship between soils and flora and fauna
Botany/ˈbɑ:təni/ n植物学
Botanical /bəˈtænɪkl/ n植物学的
这个海湾以丰富多样的植物种类让17世纪初登澳大利亚的欧洲殖民者大为惊叹而得名Botany Bay。
Plant/plænt/ n植物
alpine/ˈælpaɪn/ plant 高山植物
marsh/mɑ:rʃ/ plant 沼泽植物
host/hoʊst/ plant 宿主植物
示例 考题48 Listening lecture 3
And it always makes its way back to the host plant to feed, guided by the ants, the ant escort service, so to speak.
Shoot system 茎叶系统
Flower /ˈflaʊə(r)/ 花
Lateral bud 侧芽
Vegetative shoot 营养枝
示例考题1 Listening Lecture 4
vegetative parts of a plant's herbs and the flowers the marmots like to eat.
Node /noʊd/ 茎节(叶子或者树枝从主茎杆长出的地方)
Internode /ɪnˈtɜ:noʊd / 节间(两个茎节之间的部分)
Leaf /li:f/ 叶子
Stem /stem/ 茎
示例考题19Listening Lecture 3
carrying it down the leaves through the stems and into the roots.
Root system 根系
Taproot /ˈtæpru:t/ 主根
Lateral branch roots 侧向支根
Crown /kraʊn/ 树冠
Twig /twɪg/ 细枝,嫩枝
示例 考题20Listening Lecture 4
The hare actually has abundant food in the small twigs it finds.)
Branch /bræntʃ/ 树枝
示例 考题32 Listening Conversation 2
scientists found evidence that ancient people had been harvesting thebranches from pistachio and almond trees
Fruit /fru:t/ 果实
Foliage / ˈfoʊliɪdʒ/ 枝叶(总称)
Trunk /trʌŋk/ 树干
Roof hairs 根须
Shrub /ʃrʌb/ n灌木
示例 考题 8 Listening Lecture 1
They clearly prefer hard wood forests with dense shrubs, bushes underneath the trees.
Herb /hɜ:rb; hɜ:rb/ n草本植物
示例考题18 Listening Lecture 3
Technically speaking, a spice is part of an aromatic plant that is not a leaf orherb.
Fern n蕨类植物
Algae /ˈælgi:/ 藻,海藻
Forest /ˈfɔ:rɪst; ˈfɑ:rɪst/ n森林;林区
Meadow /ˈmedoʊ/ n草地,牧场
Prairie /ˈpreri/ n大草原,牧场
示例考题4 Reading Passage 1
The other species, the Columbian white-tailed deer, in earlier times was common in the open prairie country.
Wetland /ˈwetlənd/ n湿地,沼泽地
Bog /bɔ:g/ n沼泽,泥塘
Tundra /ˈtʌndrə/ n冻原,苔原(树木不生,底土常年冰冻的北部地区
示例 考题36 Reading Passage 1
Thus prairies and tundra regions, which have characteristic vegetations, also have characteristic soils.
Photosynthesis /ˌfoʊtoʊ ˈsɪnθəsɪs/ n光合作用
示例考题9 reading Passage 3
The algae capture the sun's energy by photosynthesis and store it in organic molecules.
Symbiosis /ˌsɪmbaɪˈoʊsɪs/ 共生(关系)
Log /lɔ:g; lɑ:g/ n原木
Timber /ˈtɪmbə(r)/ n木材,木料
示例考题25 Reading Passage 2
The step from buying foreign timber to buying foreign ships was regarded as a short one.
Nectar /ˈnektə(r)/ n 花蜜
Pollen /ˈpɑ:lən/ n花粉
示例考题32 Reading Passage 3
they gather nectar and pollen from a wide variety of flowers.
Pollinate /ˈpɑ:l əneɪt/ v授粉;传粉
Pollination / ˌpɑ:l əˈneɪʃn/ n授粉;传粉
Cross-breed v使杂交;杂交繁育
Sprout /spraʊt/ v发芽;抽芽;抽条;生长
Shoot /ʃu:t/ n幼苗;嫩芽;新枝
Shell /ʃel/ v给…去壳
Cluster /ˈklʌstə(r)/ n(同类物丛生或聚集的)簇,团,束,串
示例 考题45 Reading Passage 2
dense cylindrical clusters of small, petalless flowers.